Balm Dotcom

When you find a product that gives you on fleek lips, brows, cheeks, elbows, and cuticles you make it your BFF. Idk about you but as a child I was obsessed with Lip Smackers I literally had every flavor, and the worlds shiniest lips. But, when I entered into the adult world lip gloss and balms weren't as fun until Glossier changed the game. So, naturally when they announced new balm flavors were on the way I was immediately ready to give them my money. Since my $30 dollar purchase three new flavors have entered my life rose, mint, and cherry. They're worth every penny too.
The new formula is similar to the original: a blend of castor seed oil to seal the moisture; beeswax, and rosemary leaf extracts to protect us from free radical skin damage. I love all three scents but cherry gives you a slightly red pout and has the most potent smell, think cherry Kool-Aid.
The trio is available now on Glossier's website, they comes with stickers and is packed in a pink bubble wrap pouch...This brand can literally do no wrong.
- Dennaya