Scents and Oils

I've talked a whole lot about the face but now I want to dive into another beauty favorite that's near and dear to my heart, perfume. Every since I was a little girl i've been obsessed with perfumes and now that i'm an adult i've built my own arsenal of signature scents, but let me tell you the journey has been long with many casualties. I'm naturally a very shy person so I let my clothes and my scent speak first. I believe everything in life is all about balance even down to the scent you choose for the day, so i've built a well rounded selection of feminine and masculine scents that are perfect for any and every occasion.
Let's start with my favorite out of the group and it happens to be the cheapest, you know i'm all about mixing the highs and low's. Kuumba Made Lavender Lace Fragance Oil $11.00 is EVERYTHING! It lasts all day and will get you so many "you smell so good" compliments. I stumbled upon this gem one day while roaming the beauty aisle in Whole Foods, I tried it on and it didn't resonate with me right away, but after it absorbed into my skin I was hooked!
Sticking to the seductive floral vibes Calvin Klein Euphoria Parfum $72.00 is the perfect date night scent it's sweet and feminine, but also very sexy.
Much like it's name, Angel By Mugler $82.00 is heavenly and happens to be the signature scent of the women in my family, talk about a tradition! The bergamot scent gives it a masculine touch that will make you feel so confident and will have smelling yourself every 5 minutes, because it's that good!
Next up, Chanel No. 5 Eau de Parfum $100.00 the maturest scent of them all, it's just something about it that makes you feel classy and sexy. So I recommend wearing this scent on those days when you need to remind yourself of who you are.
Of course I had to throw something in that could used on the face, it just wouldn't be right if I didn't. Meet True Moringa Simplicity Body Oil $26.00 my new fresh out the shower favorite I like to apply a few drops to my face and body for instant moisture and anti aging purposes. The scent is very soft and woodsy so you can easily apply another scent on top of of it, for me it's normally the Lavender Lace Oil.
Last but not least the glamorous sex in a bottle Marc Jacobs Divine Decadence Parfum $97.00 , made with champagne extract, bergamot, and orange blossom it screams wear me somewhere luxurious and has become my go to fancy scent.
So now that you know what I smell like it's your turn to share your favorites with me! Drop me a line in the comments below and let me know your signature scents.