My Skincare Regimen

Taking care of my skin is very high on my priority list and before my obsession I was horrible at all things that related to skincare. I quickly realized that if I wanted to preserve my youth I needed to do a complete 360. Since my wake up call, I no longer believe in hiding neglected skin under layers and layers of makeup but that skincare should be first and makeup should be used to enhance your natural beauty. So, I adopted a semi intense skincare routine check the deets below.
Morning Routine:
1. Facial massage- aka oil cleanse with coconut oil
2. Cleanse- I’m currently using Glossier Milky Jelly Cleanser
3. After washing my face, I let it air dry then I use a toner to restore my PH balance. Thayers which hazel is my go to.
4. Eye cream- Because no one likes eye bags. I'm currently crushing on these Acura eye cream & Kiehl's avacado eye treatment
5. Serum- Youth To The People's anti aging serum to keep my skin tight.
6. Moisturize - Last but not least, moisture, next to cleansing this the most vital step. I’m currently using Context skin daily SPF moisturizer.
After all the above I’ll apply my daily makeup, if any.
Night Routine:
1. Back to the cleanse. This time I rinse my face with water first then I use Youth To The People cleanser, followed by either Herbivore Botanicals pink clay or charcoal soap to remove any excess oils or makeup.
2. I let my face air dry then I head back to toner-ville
3. 2-3 times per week I’ll do multiple facial masks and sheet masks depending on what my face needs most.
4. Lastly, eye cream, moisturizer, and a good lip balm at night are essential to waking up with fresh skin and soft lips. I like to use things that a little oiler at night so, I rotate between Youth To The People’s age prevention moisturizer , Herbivore’s Lapis oil, and C.O Bigelow's night balm.
- Dennaya